Finance & Administration

Town Hall hosts the administrative, human resources, and financial functions of the Town government. 

All day-to-day operations of the Town Government are overseen by the Town Manager, Tammy Kelledes. 

Town Hall
113 Main Street
P.O. Box 340
Greensboro, MD 21639

Telephone: (410) 482-6222

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Finance & Accounting

The Town Hall administrative staff are responsible for the accounting of all Town revenues and expenditures. They process invoices and payments, manage the Town’s bank accounts, and run the Town’s procurement process.

For questions about accounts payable or accounts receivable, please contact (410) 482-6222.

Each year, the expenditure of all Town funds and other financial compliance measures are evaluated by an independent audit. This audit is an important part of accountability and transparency for taxpayer funds. To request copies of our audits, please contact the Town office.

Water & Sewer Billing

Greensboro’s municipal water and sewer treatment plant serves residences and businesses in the Town, as well as service to certain properties in northern Caroline County.

Paying Your Water and Sewer Bill

Water and sewer bills are sent to account holders quarterly.

Account holders may pay:

  • In person via check or credit card at Town Hall. A drop box is located near the front door for overnight payments.
  • Online via our bill payment portal, using a bank draft or credit card.

A service fee applies to credit card transactions.

Water and Sewer Accounts

To set up, make changes to, or transfer a water and sewer service account, please:

  • Complete the form linked below, and
  • Return it to Town Hall along with a $100 deposit and a copy of a valid, government issued identification.

If you have questions regarding your account, please contact the Town’s Finance Office at (410) 482-6222.

Budget & Taxes

The adoption of the annual budget and tax rates are the Town Council’s most important job. The Mayor presents the Council with the proposed budget, which may be amended by the Council prior to adoption.

The budget reflects the priorities of the Mayor and Town Council and lays out the Town’s plan for the year to provide efficient and high quality services to its residents. It includes expenditures for personnel costs, the purchase of goods and services, and payments on the Town’s municipal bonds. 

The budget also includes all the revenue the Town expects to receive in the fiscal year, including money generated from taxes, fees, grants, and State aid. The largest portion of the Town’s revenue comes from property taxes. Each year, the Mayor and Council review the current property tax rates and may recommend changes in order to have the revenue necessary for the expenditures planned in the proposed budget. 

Budget Adoption Process

Public input is an important part of the budget process. It is also important to the Town to have a budget process that is open and transparent.

Budget Timeline

By January 1Town sends out letters detailing budget procedures to all outside groups/organizations who normally request funding.
New organizations may also make requests.
January 30Deadline for budget requests from outside organizations.
First Thursday in MarchAll organizations who have submitted funding requests must make a formal presentation to the Council at their meeting. Call the Town Office to be placed on the agenda.
March to MayBudget workshops take place during regularly scheduled Council meetings as needed
First Thursday in MayProposed budget and tax rates are introduced
Third Thursday in MayPublic hearing is held on the proposed budget and tax rates
First Thursday in JuneFinal budget and tax rates are adopted
July 1New budget goes into effect

Making a Budget Request

The Town receives many requests from organizations at budget time each year. Each request is carefully reviewed and considered. 

All entities wishing to receive a budget allocation from the Town must complete the form linked below by January 30. 

Requesters should be prepared to upload written documentation in support of their request, including information on other funding sources/matching funds, a statement of need, and any other material the requester thinks is necessary to help the Council understand and consider the request.

Budget Documents

To request copies of older budget documents, please contact the Town office. 

Employment Opportunities

The Town of Greensboro is a wonderful place to work! Our small size enables us to provide a supportive, family atmosphere. Additionally, Greensboro offers competitive salary and benefits.

Current Job Openings

Public Works Technician

Bid Opportunities

The Town of Greensboro is committed to open and competitive procurement processes that enables the Town to receive the best price and best quality goods and services.

Expenditures over $25,000 require a formal sealed bid process. Current bids are posted here and shared on our Facebook page, as well as published in the newspaper. Contracts for technical or professional services, such as legal services and engineering, do not require a sealed bid.

Current Open Bids

There are no open bid opportunities at this time. Please check back frequently.

Public Information Act Requests

The Town of Greensboro is committed to open and transparent government. The Town Manager is the primary designated representative for requests for information and documents under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA).

To submit a Public Information Act Request, email the Town Manager. Please include as much specific information about your request as possible, including dates and/or specific titles of documents, if possible.

Not all Town documents are subject to disclosure. Certain records, including most personnel records, are exempt from disclosure. Production of large volumes of paper copies and/or staff time beyond two hours to complete a request may be subject to fees.

Staff Directory

Tammy Kelledes

Town Manager

Email Tammy

Dawn Parks

Billing Clerk and Goldsboro Water and Sewer Payments

Email Dawn

Jaime Fowler

Deputy Town Manager

Email Jaime

Amanda Weaver

Community Programs Coordinator

Email Amanda