Public Works

Our Public Works Department provides essential services that impact the lives of our residents every day. Their operations include the construction, maintenance, and safe operation of the Town’s infrastructure, including water and wastewater systems, roadways, sidewalks, and storm drains. Additionally, they handle services such as waste management, snow removal, and the maintenance of Town properties and buildings.


Telephone: (410) 482-6935
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
For after hours emergencies, please contact the Caroline County Dispatch Center at (410) 479-2222.

Water and Sewer

Greensboro’s municipal water and sewer treatment plant serves residences and businesses in the Town, as well as service to certain properties in northern Caroline County.

For complete information on Town laws pertaining to the water and sewer system, please see Chapter 19 of the Town Code and Article IX of the Town Charter.

Water Quality

The Town’s water supply is routinely tested as required by State law to ensure it is safe and free from harmful contaminants. The three most recent Water Quality Reports are available here. To request copies of older reports, please contact the Town Office at (410) 482-6222.

Trash and Recycling


Weekly Trash Pickup:

  • Trash is picked up curbside on Tuesday mornings. Pickup is early, so it is recommended to place your cans out the night before.
  • You may only use the two cans per household provided by our waste management vendor. 
  • Nothing outside of the provided cans or in any other cans will be picked up.
  • The trash pickup fee is $49.50 per quarter. Bills are mailed directly to the residence.

Brush Pickup:

  • Brush is picked up the third Monday of each month.
  • It must be neatly stacked by the road.
  • Branches may not exceed four feet in length. Please cut longer pieces down.

Bulk Trash Pickup:

  • The Town conducts two bulk pickup days per year. Dates are posted on our events calendar and social media when scheduled. Each household is limited to two bulk items
  • Prohibited items include rubber tires, wood, loose items, paint, chemicals, liquids, hazardous materials, and large electronics, such as TVs and computer monitors

Other Trash Options

The Caroline County government provides a free home-owner drop for household trash at the Mid-Shore II Regional Landfill on Holly Road outside of Ridgely. Visit their website for days and hours of operation, restrictions, and limitations.

The Maryland Environmental Service, in cooperation with the Caroline County government, conducts occasional hazardous household materials and tire drop off days. Please contact the Caroline County Department of Public Works for more information.


Recyclable materials may be dropped off in the collection bins provided by the Town in front of the Public Works storage building located between Holly Road and Cedar Lane.

Items should be sorted as indicated. 

The Town does not provide curbside recycling pickup. 

Recycling is also available at the Mid-Shore II Homeowner Drop Off.

Roads and Sidewalks

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining all non-State owned roads within Town limits and public sidewalks. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining sidewalks abutting their property.

Street cleaning takes place twice a year. Prior notice is sent to residents beforehand. 

To report a road or sidewalk issue, please call the Public Works Department at (410) 482-6935 or the Town Office at (410) 482-6222 or use the form linked below.

Report a Public Works Issue

You may use the form below to submit an issue or complaint to our Public Works Department. Reports may be made anonymously. Please provide as much detail as possible to enable us to evaluate and address any issues raised.