Adopted Meeting Procedures

Town Council Meeting Procedures

Adopted Sept. 26, 2019


1st meeting of the month – Regular Meeting

Sample Agenda

Closed session if needed

Open regular meeting

Salute the Flag

Introduce Council members, attorney and Dept. Heads

Approve minutes from previous open meeting

Attorney statement on items discussed in closed session from previous meeting if needed

Approve minutes from previous closed session (if needed)

Agenda items

Public requests

Committee/Board Reports

Dept head reports

TM report

Old business

New Business


Public Comments

Town council remarks


Rules for the Meetings

7 days advance required to be put on the agenda. Any items requiring a response are to be put in writing and submitted to Town hall at least 3 days prior to the meeting so Council can review and prepare responses to same. Those on the agenda will be given 3 minutes to speak.

Formal presentations by outside county, state, federal or nonprofit organizations will be permitted to use a larger amount of time If needed and will be put on the agenda for the workshop unless time constraints require them to be put on the regular meeting agenda.

Public Comments – Responses may or may not be given depending on the topic. If you wish to have a response at the same meeting you will need to be put on the agenda and submit materials 3 days prior to allow the Council to prepare for the meeting. Individuals will be required to sign up at the start of the meeting if they wish to speak






2nd meeting of the month – Work session

Definition – Meetings where the council informally discusses issues to achieve a more complete understanding of one or more subjects. Many times these will be held as round table discussion for council members and staff to promote a more informal discussion. These meetings serve as a background discussion about items scheduled for official action at the next regular meeting.

This meeting will be a working meeting only. There will be no public presentations or comments. Outside agencies will be placed on the agenda 7 days in advance. Any items requiring a response from the council will be required to be put in writing 3 days prior to the meeting and responses will be rendered at the next regular meeting unless an urgent need is displayed requiring an immediate response.

Sample Agenda

Open meeting

Salute the Flag

Agenda items (public agencies etc.)

Dept Head/TM requests/comments

Work items





Public Guidelines and Tips

Doors will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting

When your name is called, step to the podium and speak clearly into the microphone. After speaking return immediately to your seat

Please be advised that each speaker's testimony is being recorded.

Give your name and city of residence. 

Public comments are limited to three minutes

Remember time limits and make sure you have time for your most important points. 

Speakers are strongly encouraged to write their remarks down and submit them to the City Clerk. Try not to repeat what others have said, but highlight those issues that have not been already raised

If more than five (5) speakers wish to speak on the same topic and hold the same position, pick one or two spokesperson(s) and have all those who agree raise their hands. 

All comments should be addressed to the Presiding Officer, not individual Councilmembers, staff or members of the audience. 

Questions will usually not be answered during a speaker’s turn at the podium, but may be addressed by the Council, Town Manager or a Department Head at the end of the public comment period. 

Audience participation in presentations or discussions; including questions; is not permitted unless expressly invited by the Mayor of Greensboro

If recognized by the Mayor, the audience member must approach the podium and clearly state their name, city of residence or affiliation before speaking

Except during the public comment period all questions must be confined to the question or issue before the Council.

After making the comment or asking the question the audience member must immediately return to their seat. Follow up comments or questions are not permitted unless the individual is again recognized by the Mayor and invited forward to speak.

Rude, personal or slanderous remarks are prohibited. Violators will be asked to leave the meeting.