On Saturday, July 27, Susquehanna Operational Services, the Town’s water and wastewater contract operator, was contacted by the Town Department of Public Works and notified of numerous complaints of a strong chlorine smell in the Town’s water. The weekend Operator and Project Manager for Susquehanna obtained water samples throughout town to check chlorine levels. The highest reading obtained was 2.2 mg/l. While within acceptable limits for safe consumption, it was higher than the normal reading of .56 mg/l, causing the town to investigate.
After examining the tower wells, it was discovered that one of the chlorine regulators had been tampered with. A criminal investigation is being conducted by the Caroline County Sheriff’s Department for deliberate sabotage of the water system and additional security measures were put into place immediately.
New testing of the drinking water was conducted today with the levels dropping to 1.0 mg/l or below. If you continue to notice a strong chlorine smell in your water and would like it tested, please contact Town Hall at 410-482-6222 and/or greensboro@greensboromd.com.
If you have any information pertaining to the sabotage of the water system, please contact the Caroline County Sheriff’s Department at 410-479-2515.
We will provide additional information as it becomes available.
Greensboro News