Mayor Noon Taking Leave of Absence to Handle Health Concerns

Mayor Noon
Mayor Noon

Greensboro Mayor Joe Noon will be taking a leave of absence for medical reasons beginning tomorrow, February 20.  Vice Mayor and Councilmember Michael Mackey will serve as Acting Mayor until approximately the end of March.

Mayor Noon was recently diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer. He has had surgery this year and is scheduled to have a second operation this month. The Mayor said on Tuesday, “I feel confident in my medical care and look forward to getting through this process. Right now, I need to put my health first. But when I’m cleared by my doctors, I look forward to getting right back to continue our work on strengthening our community.”

Mayor Noon and his family ask everyone to please respect their privacy, however, he will ensure any significant developments regarding his health and return date will be posted here.

Mayor Noon is in his second term and first took office in November of 2011.

Should you need assistance regarding any Town matters, please contact Councilmember Mackey at [email protected].